I think it was August when I last wrote about our lives here in Texas. But because enough of wrote to say I should keep it up here we are! The first bit of news is that we got another dog. After we lost Tuck, Jason was really missing having his little buddy and started to look around for a manly dog. I grew up with a weimaraner, so we were really lucky to find this guy on Craigslist from a really sweet family who couldn't take care of him. We named him Luke after Luke Sywalker. Him and Lilo are great friends. He just turned a year old and it is really nice having a true guard dog. Much to Jason's chagrin both dogs love on me at night:

Other then adjusting to living in a small house with two dogs and five people, we have just been enjoying our surroundings. Jason is working so much getting ready to hire his first wave of employees. It will be nuts probably for a year. Me and the kids have kept busy
seeing the sights and joining clubs. Here are some of the things we are doing:

We saw the famous bats that live under Congress bridge downtown. They say 1.2 million live there but they were hard to photograph because they only come out at dusk. I guess I just like saying I did it.

Adam has started taking Guitar and Kat is doing Ballet. They are both naturals and I am really proud of them. Me and Alex are still hanging out all day and doing our thing, but some days there are surprises and we find a wiener-mobile.

Jason and I went to see Wicked one weekend. I don't know if it was the show or the fact that we were out together doing something very cultured, but I loved it! It reminded me of when we lived in London and went and saw all the shows. Someone has to tell those performers that all that vibrato makes it hard to understand sometimes!!

As for me, I am finding my stride. I was asked to be the Activities Chairman for our congregation at church. Its intimidating because the ward is so huge! But of course I have a million ideas and so now my only problem is making good on all my promises! I also joined the local chapter of Toastmasters International. I love it! Its a public speaking club and I am enjoying improving my skills and challenging myself. Along with that I am trying to get my own Fashion Consulting business going. You can read more about it on my other blog
http://thescienceofsexybysarah.blogspot.com . Despite all of that fun I am still trying hard to be a good wife friend and mother. Here are some cookies I recently made. They were supposed to be fall leaves, but even if they look like fire footballs, they were delicious.

Jason also won a Flip video camera in a raffle so stay tuned for video too!
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