Saturday, September 27, 2008
So some of you might have heard that Jason has gotten some work with FEMA. He is going to be doing inspections for them in hurricane effected areas. Since his business slowed way down after the hurricane the FEMA job has come as a real blessing. Well he has been approved to go and will be traveling a bunch the next little while. It made me sad cause I haven't really been in this house alone, but I am happy that we are going to earn a little extra cash. So anyways I made the big push for a dog. We found a dane online that we really wanted but the people fostering it said that it wasn't good with kids and cats so no go. I was feeling some urgency about it and so I went to the Petco adoption fair. I found a dog there that I fell in love with but she is no Great Dane. Here is Lilo:

I don't know if the pictures do her justice but she looks like a Dr. Seuss dog to me. She is some kind of terrier.. she is short haired with long hair on her face and feet. I know we are big dog people but right now with all I have going on I wanted a low maintenance dog. And her temperament along with her size makes her perfect for us. It was so cool eating dinner with a dog in the room who wasn't under my armpit! And she can't even reach the toilet! It's a whole new dog experience! It's only been 5 hours but we haven't even heard a peep from her yet. As for her name- the rescue kennel was calling her peaches but the kids named her Lilo. We like the Hawaiian sound so Lilo it is!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hurricane Ike: The ReCap
So Friday night was so weird as we sat around with no work no school just waiting for the storm to start. We watched it slowly creep our way across the TV screen. Jason cleaned the house just to maintain some sense of control. We didn't know what to expect, and after the let-down of Gustav (which I wanted to evacuate for) we weren't sure Ike was going to show up. But he did! Here is the night before:
All week I had been developing a cold, and after work and getting ready for the storm I was so wasted. So I went to bed saying a prayer that I would be able to sleep. Jason was in total man mode and roamed the house all night. Ike arrived at around 3 am but only Jason was up to witness it. He brought Kat down to our bed cause the wind was hitting her room so hard. As for the rest of the house, we were really protected by our neighbors that bore the brunt of it. The power went out around 4 am and in the morning we were confident it wouldn't be that big a deal. So we ate instant oatmeal and capri suns (so we didn't have to open the fridge- we have a gas stove so we could boil water, and the water never ran out) and tried to keep the kids entertained by painting and doing crafts.
This was a framed house in our subdivision.
This poor guy lives right behind our neighbors and had a huge tree fall on his house.
Here are the crews trying to get the trees off the line and restore power.
I can't even explain what it's like to be cut off from the world and not know when life is going to get back to normal. We count our blessings that everyone we know is doing ok and we share what we can. By Sunday I had to make contact and I found out that a neighbor in the ward just a half mile away had power so we spent the day and night at their place. Thankfully God's grace sent us a cold front on Monday and it was a record low temperature. By then people were getting out a little more and we had actually found a Subway open in Tomball and had a nice lunch. We were able to save some of our fridge stuff at our friends house but supplies in the city are low. There isn't much gasoline and hardly and decent food. You can get a lot of soda and junk but I know my body is starting to crave nutrients! The school is out for all of this week and who knows when it will be open again! The best part of all this is meeting our neighbors and taking care of eachother. On Tuesday we made a little movie theater in our car and the adults played cards on the driveway:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
we are ok
we are ok but we have no power. jason's phone has internet sometimes. I will post when I can. thanks for all your prayers!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sick Day
Today I had my first sick day. It is nice. I never got those when I was a homemaker! So I set Alex up with Diego and took a shower. When I got out I came in the living room and he was in the same place watching tv. Then he turned around. And he had a chocolate mustache. "What were you eating??" I had locked everything up! So he showed me. That is my European boy- eating nutella right out of the jar!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
No News is Good News Right?
So can you tell I have been settling into working life? Not much to post since I am not loitering online all day! Things are going well with the new life. I am busying in my new calling as the Young Women's first counselor and we are all now used to the working mom lifestyle. Though the gang has it pretty good since I am still here when they get home and making fabulous dinners. The house is taking a beating and so is our weekend since now lazy time has been replaced by "getting things done". But I am proud of how we are growing and developing. Kat has taken to school like a fish to water. She has such a joyful existence that she is not afraid to share with everyone! Adam is getting too old too fast. He was talking about "going to hell" if he didn't read his scriptures and we had to talk about the old school version of hell versus the Mormon version. I asked him who told him he would go to hell if he didn't do the right things and he didn't know. At least it wasn't us! Alex is adjusting to school but still has his "tired" days where he doesn't want to be away from me. It will help when I get a door or curtain to my classroom! I am having fun with my class and I am really surprised at myself. I have been able to come up with things to do and not get stressed. It must be all of my mom training. I also enjoy being creative and silly, though I don't know if I have any left for my own family. Overall I think teaching suits me. What do you think?
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