Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mysterious Status'

Ok so maybe not everyone we know is on Facebook, but as Livingston life changes everyday, and I always forget who I tell what to, I better put everything on here!

Back in December Jason started looking for new work. He has been applying all over the world and just recently he has had some success getting to the next level which is interviews. There has been lots of possibilities and we always run our mouths off so people all over the world are routing for different moves. Currently Jason is a candidate for two jobs in Luxembourg and two jobs in Texas. In the meantime I have been working full time at a local scrapbook store (Scrapbooking Memories on Stubner Airline Rd) while Jason is a stay at home dad who applies for jobs all day. It's pretty fun for me. I like coming home to dinner on the table! It's like being in a reality show where you swap places. I am only doing it for another week then moving to part time. Hopfully Jason will have some offers by then. But while I am at the store I would like to tell all my scrapbooking texas moms that the store is available for scrapbooking parties! I have the key and permission! Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging and praying for us. We have been blessed so much in this trial!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hello Internet! Thing are crazy over here. Jason is still looking for work and I started working at a scrapbook store to make our money stretch. So far I haven't bought anything but it has only been two days! I really like it but it is hard to work full time. But I do love seeing Jason do all the house stuff! He made a great dinner tonight and did all the laundry. It is a big eye opener to switch places but I love it! I wanted to tell you all something cool that happened today. You all know I love the book The Science of Sexy. (A fashion advice book) Well I wrote to the author last week and he wrote me back today! Here is our correspondence via facebook. I am off to write Oprah all about it!!

Dear Mr. Bradley Bayou,
My name is Sarah Livingston and your book the Science of Sexy changed my life. I am just another stay at home mom but I found your book at the public library and became a disciple. Once I bought the book I started to share it’s principles with my friends. I became so well known for these fashion “secrets” that word spread and I was asked to teach a class to my ladies society at church (about 200 women). I told them about you and your book and I feel confident that I have been responsible for at least 20 sales of your book. Well now I have some friends coming to me and asking me to do a “fashion audit” for them, and they want to pay me. I’m not anyone famous or especially educated, but I love teaching people about your book and how to feel confident and sexy right now! With the body they have right now! It is a message that is so important in today’s society. So my question is, will you allow me to use your book to help other people and myself? Like many my husband is unemployed and we are struggling. Doing something I love and getting paid for it would mean a lot to me. Even just to hear back from your lawyers saying I should cease and desist would be amazing! No matter what, I remain a loyal and fabulously dressed fan thanks to you.
Sarah Livingston

dear Sarah..I got your email and was very impressed and humbled...It is wonderful that you can use my book's info to help your friends and yourself...I have sent your letter to my office and we will keep you in mind for any more that we can help you with...Please feel free to continue on with my book, and let me know how you're doing... sincerely....Bradley

Internet I just had to share!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So much to catch up on!

So I know it is WAY overdue- but Kat turned 6 in December. Her birthday is the 19th so it kind of gets swooped into everything. Plus this year was her turn to have a little party. So we just had her friend Anna over for pizza and then went roller skating. I didn't get any good pictured of Kat cause she was like a baby horse on the rink. Thank goodness we only stayed 30 minutes! I did have a few middle school flashbacks and had to race around the rink getting lost in the disco lights and Abba songs. Below is Jason pushing Alex along the only way he was able. Tuck and Roll!
The biggest event of course was Adam's baptism! It was such a big day for our family since he is the first grandson on both sides. There is something to be said about 3 generations of Livingstons being baptised and still committed to the Gospel. Jason baptised him and gave him the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Kat sang a solo I am a child of God and My parents and I sang with the guitar I need the every hour. I love to sing with them. Both of the grandpas spoke and cried! I think they were so touched that their legacy continues in our children. It was a very proud day all around. We were lucky to have some of Adam's school friends be there too. We had an open house after at home and it was monumental to have the Livingstons and Keatings sit down together. I didn't realized how much they have in common! The whole day was a blessing.

The newest pose for Church media. Aren't they inspirational??
I was so revved up to start 2009! December was so crazy with two birthdays Christmas and a baptism! One thing that was super-cool is that we found a creperie! It was so fun to go to a "french" place on a Saturday. They might as well been charging euros it's was so pricey but I think it was worth it. The kids were super happy. I guess you can take the kids out of Europe but not the Europe out of the kids!
Next we had Kat's investiture ceremony. She recited the Girl Scout pledge and law and got her vest and patches. I made these fabulous cookies courtesy of a cookie decorating class I took. (Hollah! Jana!!) I had to stand two steps down from the girls because I am so gigantic. But it was still a nice evening.
Our most recent news is that Adam had his Pinewood Derby this weekend. And he won! The whole thing!! It was unbelievable! We had been prepping him all day to loose (because the regatta was such a failure) but BAM his car came out of no where!! Jason was very involved and did a lot of research this week to perfect the car. It's hard to see but it has a space theme and was named "infinite wormhole" . We were so proud we had to get icecream after.
So January flew by. Today I taught at the Stake Enrichment. I had been planning it for almost 2 months and again I am glad it is over, but I loved it. I love teaching and I am so blessed to have a lot of opportunities here in Texas. I am now getting ready for two more projects coming down the pipeline! So got to run but I thought of you Internet- until next time!