This week was spring break for the kids. Since Jason still is waiting for job offers I am still working, but I had two days off this week. So I decided for the sake of the children we could go camping. They have been bugging us for years to go. Not to mention that Walmart was having a sale on the ten man 3 room tent. Who can say no to that?? We figured out where we could camp for cheap and which of out two failing cars we could convince to go and we ended up in Huntsville about an hour away. The first day was great. We saw the huge Sam Houston statue, we set up our camp, swam in the lake, roasted marshmallows etc. The second day I told the fam we must hike! That is my favorite part about camping, being in the woods.

I didn't know my kids were kind of wussies. Jason and I talked it over and realized that we were raised on Little House on the Prairie, the Boxcar kids, Louis L'Amour, and Goonies. I know I spent a lot of my youth hanging out in the woods imaging various survival scenerios. So anyways there was a lot of grumbling but I got my way anyways. After about 15 minutes there was a big gust of wind and the temperature dropped like 10 degrees. Then we heard the wind coming. But we were at the far end of our loop trail so we just kept on. By the time we made it back to the tent it was raining and around 50 degrees. We were so not prepared! But we managed (through a trip to Walmart and a space heater) to last another 24 hours.

Thank goodness for huge duvet's and a puppy who was willing to sleep in my sleeping bag! I am proud of us, we survived! I can't say I loved it but the kids definitly did and that is worth it.
The duvet is the only way to go. glad you are back safe.
I'm scanning through all my memories of our chats, and can't really remember camping coming up... are you not a camper? I LOVE camping. Would live in a tent if I could. We always made my mother go camping every summer and she laughed her way through every single trip, so we kids thought she loved it as much as us. Now that we're adults she admits to hating camping and that she always brought plenty of wine with her! Glad you survived it without resorting to that!
You look hot in that second picture!! The bed the kids were in looks comfy!! Glad you finally went camping!!
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