I feel like I really don't have much to report! May is flying by! I really thought it would be long and dragged out since Jason is away, but somehow the days keeping rolling through and somehow we make it to another weekend. The last few weekends we have been in Austin house hunting and swimming at the apartment complex where Jason is staying. Turns out that the rental market is fierce in Austin and we have to make snap decisions and compromises everywhere. So even though we will not be living in our dream area or house for the next few years I am still confident we are doing the right thing by renting and saving money and aggravation. The plan is to save up and build something fabulous in the future. Maybe we can break the cycle of us making our home amazing so we can just move away. I feel like I have just been a moving zombie these past 6 weeks. I have cut out overthing in my life except Daisy Girl Scouts (and I would if I could). I miss the fun of my work with the Young Women, and the crazy girls nights with my friends. But I know I am no good to anyone cause all I want to talk about it my to-do lists. I tried to peak in on my girls Sunday but it was just too hard to see them and not be part of that group. I knew the torch had past and I didn't want to interfere with that. The one good thing that has happened recently is we had our 12 year wedding anniversary. Somehow this year I feel it's like a badge, like, "Congradulations you survived another year!" Maybe because marriage is such a crap shoot nowadays? Because I know all the work we put into making it work? I don't know but I do know I am proud of us. Especially because I know that this coming era, that we have worked SO HARD for is going to be one of peace and joy. I feel it. I am gratful that Jason found me, and that he kept me, and that we became something wonderful together. We were talking about it the other night. I realized that yes we did marry very young, but we have evolved together. We thought we had SOOOO much in common when we were dating. Then we got married and realized nope, we were two very different people. And then, as the years went by we developed intersts that were usinique to US. Like things we didn't do or enjoy before, but now together are "classic Livingston". It's hard to express. What I can express is I am proud of us and where we are. I love you Jason.

Just Married

My favorite picture so far this year:
You are wise beyond your years. As you well know, it's the journey, too, that counts, not just the destination. And it sounds like you and your family are having an amazing journey! Keep pluggin' away!
congrats on your 12 years of marriage! i love the pictures you posted of you and jason. too cute. and its true, its tough to make a marriage last, but its so worth it even though the world makes it seem like a joke.
good luck with all your moving and decision making. it is hard to leave friends behind and start over, especially when you loved the area where you lived. best of luck to you guys and to jason with his new job. you guys are so awesome and will definately bring much joy and service to your new ward and friends.
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