Ok I am just too tired to post. My head is ringing my voice is shot and my legs hurt from jumping up and down too much! But here are the highlights:
1. Natasha Beddingfield opened for NKOTB and she signed autograpghs after. I got to meet here and was all like "I lived in Europe and have been a fan for years, thanks for everything!" I was totally starstruck and shaking afterwards. Also I know I sounded stupid.
2. Courtney and I screamed and jumped around like we were 13 and it was magnificent.
3. We rushed the barriers when they were in the crowed and totally got away with it for like 5 minutes. I swear Jonathan saw us and thought we were hot.
4. Jordan took off his shirt and looked amazing. That's all I have to say. No one missed the rat tail.
5. I could've stayed all night.

I am so so so so jealous. They are coming to Dallas on Sunday, so I won't be able to go. I considered driving to San Antonio to see them. I am so sad. :(
I ♥ Donnie. :)
i couldn't believe it when i heard they were coming back! too too funny! i was never the hugest fan when i was younger, but i do remember liking them. i'm glad you guys had fun. sometimes it's fun to act like a kid again.
HAHA i just loved reading this post. this was such a highly anticipated event that i'm glad it was worth the wait. sounds like you guys had so, so much fun. love the part about "he thought we were hot" and screaming like 13 year olds. you sound like me at a hanson concert. yes i'm serious.
I would have totally been there rockin' out with you girl!! I miss you. I need to party like a rock star right now!! Miss you so much.
How fun! Hey, how was Jonathon? I know he had a problem with social phobia for a long time. Did he seem normal on stage? He was always my favorite. Does Joey still have a high voice? Does Jordan still have a good falcedo? Did they talk about their younger days when they first came on the scene? I must know!
(natalie gresko)
thats so awesome that you were able to see nkotb! i remember you talking about how much you loved them back here. oh and i totally love your vest! was that the one you bought in trier at h&m with gavrila and i? you look hot!
thanks for the poo story! i laughed so much! thank goodness for a sense of humor
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