What a wonderful Christmas! My parents and brother flew in on Christmas day so we were able to celebrate with our own little family before the extended family Christmas started. Of course we had our traditional wrapping paper code. Growing up my mom would code the presents so we couldn't tell whose is whose. I do it too every year and reveal the code on Christmas morning. This year we had a advent calender that Jason's mom made for us. It is an exact replica of the one he grew up with. It is 70's fabulous and we adore it!

We made even more cookies because there were no more for Santa. I think these turned out cute- I know Santa thought they were tasty.

On Christmas eve we got our Christmas pajamas and opened one gift. In our family we all go to the mall and the boys buy for the girls and the girls buy for the boys. That is the gift we exchange Christmas eve. Everyone did really good this year!

We really forgot to take a lot of pictures but we had a lot of fun! It was a slimmer Christmas but having so much family over made it great. My sister surprized us by driving down from Oklahoma where she was visiting her in-laws. It was her husbands gift to her. It was so great to have everyone together. Here we all are hanging out and playing wiifit and watching fireworks on the street:

It was dark but there is my dad, Jason and me, Mom, my sister Erin, her hubby Dave, my bro James, his wife Sheri, and my little bro John. Can you tell we are a fun family? Here are all the grandkids on an outing to Burrough's park.

I still need to post pictures of Kat's birthday and we have Adam's baptism tomorrow, so stay tuned!
You guys are a blast! I so enjoyed meeting your family. Now tell them all to go home so I can have my friend back. Happy New Year Livingstons / Keatings. Can I be an honerary Keating?
wow! I miss your fun and creative influence! We are so boring here. Even your little stocking cookies were perfect! We need to plan a trip! Miss ya!
hey have you checked out my blog? On your page the last post it shows was three months ago( on my blog link) there have been alot of posts since. Just checking!
FUN! how exciting to spend the holidays with you family! and thats so cool that your sister was able to come down. and im totally diggin' jasons "ho ho ho" shirt.
that advent calender is awesome! jasons mom made that? wow, i wish i knew how to sew. his mom is really talented!
and i may have to copy you next year for christmas by assigning everyone a code based on wrapping paper. steve wrapped a ton of gifts this year and didnt remember what gift was to who! plus he was lazy and didnt put tags on them...good ol' steve. so brynn ended up opening most of them...
Looks like you guys were pretty busy for awhile. I love the advent calender. It reminds me of the good ol' days. :)
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