We finished the first leg of our roadtrip on Tuesday by driving from Houston to Memphis in one day. The kids we pretty great and did as well as can be expected, despite having the DVD player not working! I did get a speeding ticket right out of Houston though- the first in my entire life! I had set the cruise at 70 in a 65 zone and for a small stretch of highway it went to 55. I didn't change my cruise cause everyone else was moving along. So I got busted. The cop said today was just my day! We still don't know how much it is going to cost but I am still trying to have fun despite the impending doom. Here is a sign from the place where we figured out we were in Louisiana when we thought we were in Arkansas.

We finally made it to Katie's house and it has been a haven! The kids have really played great together and Katie is an amazing cook. We are just eating playing and reminiscing. Katie went to high school with me and we worked at good old Subway together. I haven't seen her in 4 years but now I feel like we are practically neighbors- only 12 hours away! Since we took the scenic route that the GPS recommended, we don't know if it could be shorter!

On Wednesday the kids played all day at the house then in the evening we took them to the splash park where they had a ball. Tonight is the big Independance Day celebration. Stay tuned for more adventures!
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