I'm 31 y'all! I cannot emphasis enough the difference a good birthday makes. Last year turning 30 was AWFUL. This year I could care less cause I got to have the birthday weekend celebration! Jason surprised me Saturday with a treasure map that I had to follow for the day. I ended up spending the day at a spa getting a massage, facial, mani\pedi and lunch. I even got my eyebrows done, I felt so POSH! Then I went and got my hair cut- highlights too! I got a little carried away and now I have no hair left, but after the initial shock has worn off I think I am going to like my new look. I had something similar back in the Russia days so it's fine with the DH, but I am still figuring out how to recreate what the hairdresser did. Lucky for me (not really) I got to try it out in front of the whole Sunday school while I taught. The reaction has been pretty decent. Thank goodness for my loving family! Also I was very touched by all the family and friends that wished me a happy birthday. Being back in the US is so great!
Happy birthday Sarah! I didn't see you at church, so I'll have to see the new do another time, but sounds like you had a great day. Nothing like a full on day of celebration to make it a great birthday!
love the new hair. i think it's great! glad you had a fun bday!
Happy Birthday Sarah!! If you were still here, we would have partied all night long! But I am glad it went well. I wish I had a spa day! I LOVE your hair like that. Sorry it was so tramatic at first but glad you like it now!
Happy Birthday a few days late. I love the new do - it suits you very well. glad the family spoiled you something royal!!!
happy (late) birthday!!! your hair is super hot! total MILF status for real!!! jason is super nice to have set all those awesome things up for you!
hope everything is going well in texas. we miss you like crazy here!
oh yeah, gavrila left to the states on monday so now she's most likely in idaho...everyone is leaving here!
Happy Belated Birthday! I remember seeing your post last year about your birthday and I shared the same feelings. My last two birthday have sucked. Hopefully 31 will be better (and my husband will be in town unlike the last two).
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